Fr. Jose Poch

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Post-Easter Blues

Just as they acknowledge the joy of Lenten preparation for and anticipation of Resurrection Sunday, people admit to feeling somewhat of an emotional letdown after the celebrations of the Season are over. “After Easter, What?” is the overriding sentiment.

Here are some suggestions that I made mention of in my sermon on Sunday.

Every Sunday is a commemorative celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. We would be worshipping on a different day if Jesus had not resurrected on a Sunday. Hence make every Sunday, Easter Sunday.

Keep the spiritual disciplines going. If you had devoted time to study the Word this past Lent, continue studying. If you had set aside time to serve fellow humanity, continue to relentlessly serve and if you chose to commune with God in prayer and worship continue to do so. Don’t stop!

Having experienced the resurrection power that is so transformational, decide to become a closer, more intentional disciple of Jesus Christ.  

Expend your time focusing on the coming of the
Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. Make it your task to study every mention of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament and ask the Lord to prepare you to receive the Holy Spirit.

Focus your attention on the exciting appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ in the heavens at His Second Coming. If you think that Easter was a glorious event, imagine seeing the Lord returning in all of His glory. Keep your eyes on the Lord.

Take Easter out of the Church and into the neighborhoods. Share your Easter experiences and hopes with friends, co-workers and family members. The more you share it the more you yourself will get excited about it afresh.

Please share with me your thoughts and your everyday Easter experiences; and how you will keep the experience vibrant and exciting in your life.

Lets blog!

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