Fr. Jose Poch

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Or is it here already, at least in some places?

Florida school suspends 'Teacher of Year' over his support for natural    
marriage - August 22, 2011
This kind of flagrant, unconstitutional and  unconscionable anti-                    Christian bigotry must not be allowed to stand.

 A Florida teacher has been suspended and removed from the classroom in Mount Dora, Florida, for comments made on his Facebook page against homosexual "marriage." Liberty Counsel will be representing the teacher in court. 
 In response to New York's passage of a same-sex marriage bill, Jerry Buell criticized the new law in a pair of Facebook posts. He wrote, "If they want to call it a union, go ahead. But don't insult a man and woman's marriage by throwing it in the same cesspool of whatever. God will not be mocked. When did this sin become acceptable?" Just minutes later, he added, "I will never accept it because God will never accept it. Romans chapter one."

This reference to Scripture and man-woman marriage has now  been labeled as a "code ethics violation" by school officials. Mr. Buell is currently subject to an Inquisition-type investigation. The school will not let him back into the classroom, says a school official, "until we do all the interviews and do a thorough job of looking at everything - past or previous writings." 

Says Mr. Buell, "It was my own personal comment on my own personal time on my own personal computer in my own personal house, exercising what I believed as a social studies teacher to be my First Amendment rights.”  It's worth noting that Florida's constitution prohibits recognition of same-sex marriage, the exact view Mr. Buell supports. In essence, he is now being accused of hate speech for expressing a view enshrined in the state constitution.

 When will it become the law of the land? When will it be prohibited to preach, publish on the Internet, speak on the radio or television against protected groups and issues? What happened to the Bill of Rights so defended by the left (ACLU and the like)? Inclusivity is only being inclusive when it is one sided, theirs. 

Let's blog.

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