Fr. Jose Poch

Monday, April 18, 2011


     Words can't begin to fully express this past Sunday's awe-inspiring service. Did you enjoy the celebration of Palm Sunday? How did you feel coming into our church waving palm branches and singing Hosannas? Were you able to enter into Christ’s mind as He entered into the Holy City of Jerusalem riding on a donkey?

     The city of Jerusalem must have been teeming with crowds gearing for the Passover celebration. Jewish families or just the men and their 12-years-old-and-above sons were coming from all over the world. Every place where someone could stay was fast filling up. Preparations for the Friday evening killing of the lamb, roasting and eating were being made. Those who sold animals and the money changers were at their trade at the entrance of the Temple. The priests were getting ready and planning all the Temple festivities, including the sacrificing of all the lambs that would be brought to them on Friday afternoon. While the Zealots and other subversives were planning attacks and interruptions, the observant Roman soldiers armed to their teeth were ready to squash any sign of revolt. And in the middle of all of this Jesus enters the city riding on a donkey, clearly visible above those who were on foot around Him.
     What comes to your mind as you envision this scene? What is your response to Jesus' humility, meekness, peacefulness, steadfastness and courage that was unfazed? Can you imitate our Lord in His character (see Philippians 2 also)?
     And then what can you say about the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ as Matthew narrated it to us? Wasn't that a moving portrayal? Could you relate with Matthew, the other disciples and the many others who received his account of the events of Good Friday, when the Lamb of God was sacrificed? How will you tell the story of these event to your friends today?
     Did this Palm Sunday celebration prepare you for a truly Holy Week? How will your week be different because of what you witnessed? Who will you invite to church this week and to our Easter celebration?
     Let's blog!


Toyin O. said...

Thanks for sharing:)

Unknown said...

Thank you, Fr. Jose, for helping us to focus further on the events of this week. Sunday was a wonderful celebration of our King, and yes - such a moving portrayal of Jesus' trial and crucifixion account that truly helped me to enter in to this week, into being at the cross...