I recently read an article from the Barna
Research Group which makes reference to the outstanding success that the
History Channel miniseries, The Bible, has had during the weeks of Lent,
leading to Easter Sunday. The first episode, which premiered on March 3, had
13.1 million viewers, according to the Nielsen Rating, making it the highest
entertainment, non-sport broadcast of 2013.
I don’t know what the ratings were for
subsequent episodes or on Easter Sunday but I can tell you I watched with
interest each of the weekly episodes. I kept telling myself not to watch it
with a critical mind as I found sufficient material in it to be critical, but
more on this below.
I am glad that the series was made and
that it attracted many viewers. I found the film making of the series very good
and can only imagine how very creative the directors, producers, and editors
were. I believe that the project was done in love and for the love of God. I
hear constantly from many people and sources that the series was created with
“seekers” in mind. If this is indeed true, there is much to be commended and we
need more of these kinds of television programs.

I did appreciate how they represented
Jesus’ sacrifice, from the betrayal at the Garden of Gethsemane all the way to
the cross, death, and His burial. I also enjoyed the representation of the Day
of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit falls upon the Disciples (no flames of fire
All in all, I pray that God uses this
series to His glory and that many become familiar with His story and are led to
read the true Bible with the true revelation of God’s holy Word. I also pray
that they are not disappointed when they read the truth.
What do you think? Let’s Blog!