Fr. Jose Poch

Monday, June 18, 2012


Last night Maly, my wife, Primi Esparza, our Senior Warden, and I went to the airport taking Deborah Chase with us. We met there with all of our missionaries headed to Honduras. We had a wonderful time of fellowship and prayer together before they boarded their plane. They were so excited that it was quite palpable and contagious. I wish I was going with them. The first leg of their journey was to Houston and from there to San Pedro Sula, Honduras.I received a phone call this morning at about 12:00 noon from Mike Miller, the missionary we support at the Esperanza de Jesus Orphanage in Honduras. They had received our missionaries and were on their way to get something to eat. I also spoke with Deborah Chase, the team leader. All went through Customs with no problem at all, the journey had gone super well and they were all still very excited. Please continue to pray for all of them without ceasing. As I hear more I will keep everyone posted.